How To Build A Strong Online Identity

We are all familiar with the importance of online brand identity. Keeping pace with the emerging web technologies, every business is striving to create a unique image. But how do you accomplish this herculean task of creating a strong online brand identity? The most important point is to know your business and what it represents. If you can clearly define the three “Ps” of your business (Purpose, Potential and Promise), the job to create a successful brand identity gets easy. Here are a few useful tips.

Define Your Business:

The first step towards your online branding starts with clearly defining what your business stands for. If you are not clear about what your brand represents, how will you establish a connection with your audience and make them understand your business. The user should be able to understand your business values, potential, and capabilities.

Identify your target audience:

Every business targets a specific group of people. Only after knowing your target audience, you can devise your marketing strategies. Do a market research on what interests your target audience, their needs, and their persona. It is a two-way street; if you want your audience to be interested in your business, you will have to take an interest in what they need and how to make it available.

Create an engaging website:

Your website is the first impression of your business. It is the place where you interact with your audience. So, it is advisable to create a simple yet engaging website to get your audience interested in your business. Do not try to display everything about your business and create a jumbled website. Simplicity with innovative designs will do the job.

Come up with an appropriate logo & tagline:

Every brand has a distinct logo and a tagline that distinguish it from the competitors. Think of a logo that clearly defines your business and is flexible. Flexible logo gives you the option to creatively use it for different occasions. Next to your logo, the tagline should communicate what you are offering to your audience.

Optimize the content:

Nobody likes to read a boring and monotonous webpage. Try to explain about your brand in inventive and fewer words. Even if you want to go in details, keep in mind to use interactive way so that it interests the audience and keep them engaged in reading. Strike out the irrelevant points from the homepage. Keep it interactive!

Define your niche:

Be clear on what your brand represents. Do not try to be a part of everything that the audience wants. Define your niche and stand for it. “Jack of all trades, master of none” won’t do your branding much good. You have to create an irreplaceable position in the market as a master of your business. So define your niche clearly and stand by it.

Be Consistent:

Adapting to the latest market trends is required by all the businesses to stay in the competition. But if you lose your brand’s true identity and purpose while adapting to a new trend, you will end up getting lost in the crowd. For the same reason, the top branding development companies spend a lot of their time hatching new ideas with an element of consistency.


This is an important activity that gets ignored in the whole process. Professionalism is important in every business, but audience appreciates a touch of healthy humor or interactive bits. Most of the audience opts for the interactive websites as they feel their involvement in it. Find the perfect blend of professionalism and human touch.

Study Your Competitors:

To stay ahead in any competition, you have to keep track of your competitors. Observe their strategies, learn from their mistakes and cleverly implement the positive traits. You have to be careful with this step as you don’t want to mimic the big brands. You have to create your own distinct identity, not a copy of some famous brand.

Monitor Their Responses:

Your task is not over. Maintaining the identity of your brand is an ongoing process, in which you learn from your audience’s reviews and feedbacks. According to the changes in the technology and market trends, you have to keep updating your website and strategies. Find the points that differentiate you and your brand from your competitors.

Accomplishing the target of creating a strong brand identity online is not the end; you also have to retain your stature. Above were a few points to help you build a unique online presence. I hope that the tips will come in handy in your quest to develop a strong ground in the cyber world.

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