Our client is a reseller of enterprise print and copy solutions, and a direct seller of related products and services. Their objective was to streamline and automate their quotation, documentation and product-pricing process.
Previously, the sales team manually generated quotes or proposals using numerous disjointed Excel spreadsheets and without the benefit of a centralized product catalog that identifies compatible related products and accessories.
The quote was assembled by an inefficient and error-prone copy-and-paste workflow, that lacked any unified error-checking routine or lease calculation methodology. An average quote using the previous method could take an average of 3 hours to generate. The solution we designed, developed and implemented, enabled users to complete the process in a fraction of that time.
Our solution integrated DocuSign to deploy a document generation and digital signature module that enabled dynamic automation of all proposal brochure, purchase, lease and maintenance agreements as part of the broader “quote-to-sale” automation process. The document generation module was developed to dynamically populate the proposal presentation with the manufacturers product info and specs into predefined page templates that were part of a bigger sales presentation document supporting a prospective transaction.
Refine an error prone and manual driven quotation and proposal process.